Staining Instructions


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For warranty to remain in effect, door must be finished within 24 hours of delivery and must be finished according to directions below

Materials Needed

  • BLP Jack Tar High Gloss Ext. Marine Spar Varnish
  • 000 Steel Wool & 180 Grit Sandpaper
  • Minwax Stain or Equivalent
  • High-Quality Urethane Brush


  • Door must be finish sanded with 180 grit sandpaper before staining
  • Apply stain and allow to dry
  • Apply 1st coat of varnish. Allow to dry.
  • Lightly buff with 000 steel wool
  • Apply 2nd , 3rd,and 4th coats of varnish, buffing with steel wool between each coat. (For high sun exposure elevations and dark stained doors a 5th coat is necessary)
  • Door must be sealed on all sides (Front, Back, Sides, and TOP)


  • To maintain the exterior of door unit, buff lightly with 180 grit sandpaper or 000 steel wool and apply one coat of varnish. Doors need to be inspected once a year and re-varnished (1 coat) at least once every 2 years (Dark stained doors and doors on high sun exposure elevations need to be re-varnished every year).